Fundels offers young children (3-10 years) reading pleasure in a different way. Children experience a unique digital reading experience with numerous activities and playful angles.Are you a member of a Flemish library? Then, thanks to your My Library profile, you can borrow free booklets in the app.1. Fundels picture books - 3 to 7 years- View, read, listen and experience the stories of stylish, beautiful picture books wherever and whenever you want. Each Fundel always includes the following activities:o The reading version of the story- Read the story yourself or have it read aloud- Some stories are available in multiple languageso The animation of the story- Encourage language acquisition in young childreno Play games with the figures and elements from the book- Stimulating budding literacy and mathematical initiationo Record your own version of the story (incl. your own voice)- Stimulates fantasy and eye-hand coordinationo Color coloring pages from the book- Download interactive preschool and nursery books from publishers such as Clavis, Lannoo, Van Halewyck, De Eenhoorn, Averbode, Baeckens Books, Linne Bie, Gottmer, Kluitman, Unieboek Het Spectrum2. Fundels AVI books - 6 to 10 years- Practice general reading skills thanks to an extensive catalog of existing AVI booklets. The ideal motivation for children who are not so keen to read a book. And of course for everyone else too!- Each book is read in 3 different wayso Read aloud: the book is read aloud with each word read aloudo Reading together: children read independently in the book but can click on every word to hear the pronunciationo Read yourself: the e-book, without auditory support.- Download the AVI booklets from publishers such as ZNU Deltas, Pelckmans, Baeckens Books, Kluitman, Gottmer, De Vier WindstrekenHave fun with Fundels!